10 December 2018

Regional director of Times Higher Education for Russia and CIS Countries visited SDF

17:58 On December 10th, 2018, Regional Director of Times Higher Education (THE) for Russia and CIS countries, Egor Yablokov, visited the Science Development Foundation. New steps of cooperation have been established between the Science Development Foundation and THE. Long and short-term cooperation goals were discussed at the meeting with Elchin Babayev, Executive Director of the Science ...

05 December 2018

“Web of Science Azerbaijan-2018” awards presented

17:55 On December 5, an event was held to mark a new stage of cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Clarivate Analytics.Participants in the event included Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov, Executive Director at Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elchin Babayev, Head of Consortia Development at Clarivate Analytics Isabelle Reiss, ...

04 December 2018

Seminar on “Preparing scientific article for high impact journals”

17:25 A joint author's seminar on "Preparing scientific article for an authoritative magazine" has been organized by the “Springer Nature” international publishing house and the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SDF). The event, being held at the Central Scientific Library (CSL) of ANAS, was attended by employees of scientific institutions and ...

03 December 2018

The 1st International School-Seminar on “Oil and Geo-ecology” (grant-winning project of Science Development Foundation)

16:45 Institute of Oil and Gas (IOG) launched the 1st International School-Seminar on “Oil and Geo-ecology”, dedicated to the Centennial of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and winners of “My First Grant” competition which is the joint grant competition of the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The seminar ...

30 November 2018

The next geomagnetic hurricane is expected to disturb sensitive people

10:50   The next geomagnetic storm is expected on December 1st and 2nd. The cause of the hurricane is the next large-sized crown hole formed on the Sun's surface. The high-speed solar plasma wind, which takes its start from this horn, will aggravate the magnetosphere, reaching the near-Earth space and cause the geomagnetic hurricane of the G1.   The combined (after)effects of geomagnetic ...
