29 November 2018

The 1st International School-Seminar on “Oil and Geo-ecology” (grant-winning project of Science Development Foundation) will be held

17:04 Oil and Gas Institute will hold the 1st International School-Seminar on "Oil and Geo-ecology" on 3-5 December 2018, dedicated to the Centennial of the ADR. This is the winning project of "My first grant" which is the joint grant competition of the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. It is expected to ...

27 November 2018

“Springer Nature” and the Science Development Foundation will hold a joint seminar

17:01   AGENDA On December 4, 2018, Springer Nature and the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan will hold a joint workshop on "Drafting and preparation of scientific article for renowned journals". The seminar to be held by the Springer Nature Licensing Manager, Merve Okur Karagulle and will feature the Springer Nature company profile, research ...

22 November 2018

XXII Nationwide Scientific Conference of Doctoral students and Young Researchers launched

15:05 On November 22, the opening ceremony of the XXII Republican scientific conference of doctoral students and young researchers has been held in Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU). In the opening ceremony, auditoriums named after academicians Yusif Mammadaliyev, Zahid Khalilov, and Hasan Abdullayev has been introduced to the conference participants. The winners of the Olympiads on ...

20 November 2018

The articles by Azerbaijani scientists published in a prestigious journal

The article entitled “The Role of Social Networks in e-government: Risks and Security Threats“ co-authered by the academician secretary of ANAS, Director of ANAS Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev, corresponding member of ANAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences and head of the Department Ramiz Aliguliyev, PhD in Technical Sciences, associate professor Farhad ...

19 November 2018

Studies have been conducted in the lowlands of Jeyranchol

Head of the Department of Geography of Land Resources of Azerbaijan of Institute of Geography named after H.Aliyev, PhD in Agrarian Sciences, Assistant prof. Ismayil Guliyev and chief researcher of this department, doctor of geographical sciences Mahmud Khalilov conducted land survey in Jeyranchol low mountainous area. The Desert Expedition was organized on the basis of the project "Exodynamic ...

08 November 2018

Executive Directorate of the Science Development Foundation commemorated the 9th of November, National Flag day of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

16:30 Executive Directorate of the Science Development Foundation commemorated the 9th of November, National Flag day of the Republic of Azerbaijan.   Executive Directorate of the Science Development Foundation    
