Seminar on “Preparing scientific article for high impact journals”

December 04 2018


A joint author's seminar on "Preparing scientific article for an authoritative magazine" has been organized by the “Springer Nature” international publishing house and the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SDF).

The event, being held at the Central Scientific Library (CSL) of ANAS, was attended by employees of scientific institutions and organizations of the Academy, representatives of Azerbaijan’s higher education institutions, young scientists, specialists and others.

SDF Executive Director, PhD in Physics and Mathematics Elchin Babayev in his opening speech touched upon the importance of international scientific research in Azerbaijan, promotion of Azerbaijani science in the world, and the conditions created for the publication of scientific results of our scientists in high impact factor journals.

He stressed the importance of writing scientific articles in accordance with modern standards and cooperation with Springer Nature would be useful for Azerbaijani scientists.

Speaking at the event, CSL Director, PhD in medicine Leyla Imanova noted that they cooperated with the Science Development Foundation to enrich the National Digital Data Base.

Merve Okur Karagülle, Licensing Director of “Springer Nature”, gave a lecture on the company profile, the results of research in Azerbaijan, as well as perspectives of Azerbaijan and “Springer Nature” cooperation. “Springer Nature” is the world's leading academic and educational publishing house that serves the needs of researchers, students, teachers and professionals.

During the workshop, Sales Director of “Springer Nature”, Shahin Giray, trained two sessions on various topics such as how to become an effective communicator, writing an article manuscript, as well as the selection of the right journal and the presentation of the scientific article.

Q&A session has been held at the end of the meeting.