“Agrarian Researches” Grant Competition announced

October 17 2018


Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan announced the “Agrarian Researches” Grant Competition.

The purpose of the competition is to stimulate scientific activity of scientific research institutes, academic institutions and organizations, laboratories, divisions and centers and other suitable structures, to upgrade the supply of modern scientific equipment and devices, to support the development of various destinations of agricultural science and to fund various types of projects submitted by scholars from these institutions as well as temporarily scientific-creative collectives of highly qualified specialists. The competition will provide support for multidisciplinary and international research in the field of agricultural science. Support of the winning projects includes financial (stimulating salary), logistics (devices, fixtures and equipment) and training (including business trips) aspects.

Within the framework of the competition, fundamental, applied, experimental, academic, empirical, innovative, theoretical projects and with a budget of up to 300 000 manats will be financed.

The projects will be accepted from October 22 to December 21, 2018. The results of the competition will be announced in the first half of 2019.

Projects can be submitted to this competition only through the "e-GRANT" = "Grant Projects Electronic Governance" ( system , an innovative technology created by the Science Development Foundation. This system is based on e-government principles and implies the use of "ASAN-Signature".

The Science Development Foundation will organize a scientific examination of projects submitted to the competition and periodic monitoring of winner projects. It is planned to hold advisory seminars for the purpose of explaining joining and using the e-QRANT system as well as helping grant applicants and responding to questions during the project period.


 Science Development Foundation