SDF delegation visits Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA)

October 03 2018


A delegation led by Executive Director of the SDF Elchin Babayev visited the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).
During the meeting, President of the Academy, Professor Ahmet Cevat Acar gave detailed information about the activities of the organization headed by him and talked about relations with Azerbaijan. Vice-President of TUBA, Professor Nuri Yurdusev, and other officials attended the meeting.
During the meeting, the activities of the SDF in Azerbaijan were discussed and interests of the parties for joint scientific cooperation were expressed. During the visit, gifts representing Azerbaijan were presented to TUBA representatives.
Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) is a scientific society that supports scientific activities in Turkey.
The Academy was established in September 1993. The central office is located in Ankara. According to the data of 2010, the academy has 135 members (19 women and 116 men).  TUBA's 79 academicians represent technical sciences, 32 represent medicine, 24 humanities.
The main task of the Academy is to give scientific titles, to define the main directions of scientific researches, to study the legislation in the field of science and to make relevant proposals. It also involves supporting young scholars and preparing textbooks for Turkish higher education institutions.

Executive Directorate of the Science Development Foundation