Space weather and forecast for today

July 23 2018

Space Weather – The level of the Sun activity is low. CME (Coronal Mass Ejections) has not been observed in satellite imagery. The geomagnetic field is calm in the last 24 hours.

The forecast: Solar activity is expected to stay at the very low level over the next three days (July 23-25).


Such activity conditions of the geomagnetic field may cause minor negative effects in the system of energy, satellite broadcasting and radio communication. Rapid Sun wind state as well as irregular excitement of the magnetic field may negatively affect living organisms. These excitements can cause anxiety, insomnia, stress and depression-related feelings, headaches and migraines for a particular risk group and even for some healthy people. It is advisable not to be exposed to direct sunlight, to drink plenty of pure water, to avoid caffeine and alcohol, and to spend less time with computer and mobile devices (tablet, smartphone, etc.) as well as reduce heavy workloads which will help to lessen the risk of geomagnetic field excitement on health.
