The article of the Scientists from the Institute of Information Technologies has been published on well-known journal of “Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control”.

July 09 2018

 “An improved ensemble approach for DoS attacks detection” article, which is part of the "Development of methods and algorithms for ensuring information security in big data environments" grant project funded by the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been published on the well-renowned “Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control” journal which is indexed on “Web of Science”, “DOAJ”, “CrossRef”, “EBSCO”, “РИНЦ”, “Google Scholar” and “Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory”. This journal is published by the publishing house of Zaparojye National Technical University of Ukraine.

The article authors are academician Rasim Alguliev (academician-secretary of ANAS, director of Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS), Ramiz Aliguliyev (head of department of IIT, corresponding member of ANAS), Yadigar Imamverdiyev (department chief, PhD oo technical sciences) and Lyudmila Sukhostat (PhD on technical sciences and senior scientific worker).

The article introduces a new method of detecting DDoS ((Distributed Denial of Service) attacks based on the classifier ensemble. The specific feature of the proposed approach is that the predicted class grade for each point in the database corresponds to the maximum value for all the points obtained from the classification methods for the given point. Experiments were carried out on the NSL-KDD database. During the experiments, the given ensemble was highly accurate in detecting DoS attacks. A classifier ensemble consisting of 5 demonstrated a more precise result.
