Dr. Ludovic Ferrière from the Vienna Natural History Museum visited the Science Development Foundation

May 07 2018

On May 7th 2018, famous researcher and well-known specialist on meteorites Dr. Ludovic Ferrière from the Vienna Natural History Museum ( visited the Science Development Foundation Under the President of Azerbaijan. The Natural History Museum is a large natural history museum located in Austria.  Dr. L.Ferrière is currently curating the Rock and Gemstones Collection and a co-curator of the Meteorite Collection of the Museum. In the meantime, he also contributes to the training of local experts and informs the visitors of the Museum about researches and the latest discoveries.

Dr. Ludovic Ferrière’s expeditions to miscellanious countries, researches conducted in the Natural History Museum as well as his impressions about the Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory that he recently visited has been discussed in the meeting where the staff of SDF has also participated. Dr. Ferrière briefed participants about the Museum and presented the video demonstrating Museum activities and practices to the attention of participants.

In conclusion, Executive Director of the Science Development Foundation Mr. Elchin Babayev informed Dr. L.Ferriere about the activities being done on this field in country and talked about the perspectives of strenghtening the cooperation between the parties. It is agreed to hold future meetings between parties in order to contribute in the fruitful continuation of the bilateral relations.


Press-secretariat of the Science Development Foundation