Two monographs on Mugham has been published

March 07 2018

Two monographs on Mugham (traditional music of Azerbaijan) were published within the grant project of the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Mugham, presented as a “Universal Sound” in the “Mugham Philosophy” of the corresponding member of ANAS, Konul Bunyadzade, is being studied as a form of thinking. For this reason, philosophical comparisons between Mugham and philosophical movements, especially Sufism, are being researched on the monograph. Parallel study   of Mugam with the national history of thought also clarifies some important points of national mentality. In accordance with the spirit of the modern era, this multicultural essence of mugham is also studied. Thus, a very important fact is emphasized: For its power of influence and mission, mugam is the “soft    power” of Azerbaijan.

The monograph “Historical roots of Azerbaijani mugam” (author Sevil Farhadova), presented in Russian, is based on the results of the interdisciplinary research that describes the history of mugham and its genesis. The monograph uses probabilistic concept of consciousness as a methodological “key” in the study of mugham, the product of early culture.

These monographs are planned to support philosophers, musicologists, culturologists, artists, psychologists, phenomenologists and other specialists in their researches as well as to provide wide range of readers with necessary information on Mugham.

The publication of the monographs during the V International Mugam Festival  Mugham Universe is of particular importance.


Source : Azertag