A conference marking the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” held in Baku

February 13 2018

On February 12th, the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan jointly hosted a conference with the Child and Youth Development Center of the Ministry of Education dedicated, to the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” founded by the United Nations.

The event was attended by 50 young girl researchers of the Republican Child-Youth Development Center.

The main focus of the conference is to identify the causes of significant changes in the process of involving women and girls in scientific research and gender inequalities in science, technology, and innovation as well as to organize action plans for women and girls to engage in scientific research.

AZERTAG reports that Director of the Center for Children-Youth Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan Firuza Sultanzadeh mentioned the role of Azerbaijani women throughout the history and the public-political life of the country as well as their work and achievements. It was noted that women scientists such as a well-known ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva, prominent orientalist Aida Imanguliyeva, doctor of chemistry, academician Rafiga Aliyeva, First Vice President of Azerbaijan, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, have their significant places in Azerbaijani science.

F. Sultanzada underlined that the International Day of Women and Girls in Science was established in 2015 by UN resolution and is widely celebrated every year on February 11th in some parts of the world. Talking about the importance of that day, the director of the center underlined that miscellaneous events are being held in Azerbaijan. It was noted that the Republican Child and Youth Development Center has been cooperating for two years with the Science Development Foundation and a number of joint events are scheduled for this year. The expected outcome of this event is to increase the interest of the younger generation in science. F. Sultanzada spoke about the success of young researchers and gave them precious recommendations.

Head of the Department of Ecological Chemistry of Baku State University, Professor Sevinj Hajiyeva spoke about the scientific activity of her mother, renowned chemist, holder of the Order of Glory, academician Rafiga Aliyeva. She, who spent most of her life for qualifying staff at this university, was a great chemist, as well as the first female academician in the field of analytical chemistry and author of many scientific innovations. S. Hajiyeva underlined that this outstanding scientist's articles, works, textbooks are an invaluable contribution to science and education, and her scientific activity is an example of the younger generation. She said that she continues the family line and is engaged in science too. S. Hajiyeva also emphasized the important projects implemented in the field of women's comprehensive development and valuable contributions of women towards science, culture, and economy in Azerbaijan.

Noting the importance of science and education for women, S. Hajiyeva said that Azerbaijan places great emphasis on the development of these fields. For this particular reason, Science Development Foundation was founded - said Professor and recommended young researchers to take advantage of the conditions created for fostering the knowledge and to engage in science seriously.

Dr. Elchin Babayev, Executive Director of the Science Development Foundation, mentioned scientific achievements of women in the world, also spoke about gender equality in science, the situation in Azerbaijan and the opportunities created by the government for development of science. Noting the that the role of Azerbaijani women in society has started from ancient times, E.Babayev spoke about the activities of female scientists representing Azerbaijan all around the globe. He noted that the number of female scholars, especially young female scholars, is being increased in recent years by participating with their projects in grant competitions of the Foundation and expressed his sureness that efforts to support women's and girls' scientific activities will be continued at all times.

Young researchers made presentations on well-renowned scientists from Azerbaijan and around the world.

Later a video was demonstrated on the topic of "Women and Girls in Science".

Young researchers were awarded diplomas by the Republican Child and Youth Development Center and the Science Development Foundation for their active role in the development of science.

Source: Azertag