The presentation of “Basqal” Historical-Ethnographic research published within the support of Science Development Foundation was held

December 09 2017

The presentation of the historical and ethnographic research “Basgal”, published under the co-authorship of Tofig Babayev and Tahir Shahbazov within the grant project of the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was held.

At the presentation ceremony held in the Ismayilli regional culture house, the Foundation's Executive Director, Elchin Babayev, underlined Basqal's unique architecture, architectural features, historical monuments, craftsmanship traditions and unique residential settlements. It was emphasized that 344-page research is dedicated to the historical-archaeological and ethnographic study of the Basqal settlement, located in the administrative-territorial unit of the modern Ismayilli region, on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus range - at the foot of the Niyaldagh ridge.

The book, based on the literature and informatics, is intended for the scientific community and the broader readership. Those who want to get to know this charming corner of our country can benefit from the “Basqal” historical-ethnographic research.


Executive Directorate of the Science Development Foundation
