01 June 2018

01 June 2018

25 May 2018

An event commemorating the Centennial of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) was held in Science Development Foundation

On May 25th, the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan hosted an event dedicated to the Centennial of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR). Speaking at the event, Executive Director of Science Development Foundation Dr. Elchin Babayev briefed the participants about the short but glorious history of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, speaking on the ...

18 May 2018

Science Development Foundation has been represented at the Global Research Council Annual Meeting in Moscow

The Global Research Council is comprised of the heads of research funding agencies from around the world and carries out international cooperation and inter-organizational experience exchange. The Science Development Foundation participated in GRC European regional meetings since 2015 and took part in the GRC's 6th Annual Meeting in Canada in 2017. Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and ...

07 May 2018

Dr. Ludovic Ferrière from the Vienna Natural History Museum visited the Science Development Foundation

On May 7th 2018, famous researcher and well-known specialist on meteorites Dr. Ludovic Ferrière from the Vienna Natural History Museum ( visited the Science Development Foundation Under the President of Azerbaijan. The Natural History Museum is a large natural history museum located in Austria.  Dr. L.Ferrière is currently curating the Rock and Gemstones Collection ...
