06 August 2018

03 August 2018

23 July 2018

Space weather and forecast for today

Space Weather – The level of the Sun activity is low. CME (Coronal Mass Ejections) has not been observed in satellite imagery. The geomagnetic field is calm in the last 24 hours. The forecast: Solar activity is expected to stay at the very low level over the next three days (July 23-25). Attention! Such activity conditions of the geomagnetic field may cause minor negative effects in the system ...

16 July 2018

Space weather and forecast for today

Space Weather - Due to the spotlessness of the solar disk, solar activity has been at a very low level. As well as the solar wind parameters are normal. Geomagnetic field is calm in the last 24 hours. The forecast: Solar activity is expected to continue being at a very low level over the next three days (July 16-18). Source:

12 July 2018

Ambassador of Republic of Korea visited the Science Development Foundation

The Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is taking firm steps towards expanding its international relations and implementing concrete cooperation steps. The Foundation works to build and strengthen relations with the relevant structures of several countries, taking into account the scientific potential of the developed world countries and possible ...

09 July 2018

The article of the Scientists from the Institute of Information Technologies has been published on well-known journal of “Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control”.

 “An improved ensemble approach for DoS attacks detection” article, which is part of the "Development of methods and algorithms for ensuring information security in big data environments" grant project funded by the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been published on the well-renowned “Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control” journal ...
