Ilham Aliyev: in order to defend independence, knowledge, literacy, patriotism and national thinking are required!

February 04 2019


Young scientists strengthen our scientific potential in various fields. A few years ago, the Science Development Fund and the Youth Fund were established on my initiative. These funds provide grants to talented young people and allocate funds for the implementation of various research programs. In other words, our youth plays a very active role in society today and you will govern our country in the future, of course. Therefore, I want to say again that patriotism should be at a high level. Every young person should know that our main goal is to strengthen and protect our state independence. We are happy that we live in an era of independence. The people of Azerbaijan had cherished the dream of independence for centuries. Generations were replaced, we were part of other countries, but we could not raise our flag or play our national anthem. But there is a great happiness today that we live in the period of independence and pursue a truly independent policy. Therefore, our young people must always remember that the state independence of Azerbaijan is above everything else, the interests of the Azerbaijani people must be above everything else. I want to reiterate: in order to defend independence, knowledge, literacy, patriotism and national thinking are required. 
