The ISWI School has concluded its work

October 12 2018


The International School on Space Weather and Global Navigation Satellite (ISWI) School on Space Weather (SW) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), launched in Baku on October 8th, finished its work on October 12nd. Lecturers of the School, that was attended by the young scholars and PhD students from 23 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa as well as from Azerbaijan, were influential scientists. The event was attended by professionals from NASA, Boston College, Boulder National Center for Atmosphere Studies, American Catholic University, Haystak Observatory of Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT (USA), Austria, Italy, France, Croatia, Russia, England, European Commission and well-known scholars and specialists made plenary and instructive lectures. Within the framework of the event, the participantsvisited Azercosmos OJSC, Shamakhi Astrophysics Observatory named after Nasiraddin Tusi and National Aviation Academy and participated in scientific-practical sessions.

 Main organizers of the event were the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Shamakhi Astrophysics Observatory named after Nasiraddin Tusi of ANAS.

International Committee (ICG) on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) under the United Nations Office on Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), the International Scientific Committee (ICS) on Solar-Earth Relations Physics (SCOSTEP), International “Space Weather Initiative” Program, Azercosmos OJSC and National Aviation Academy were the co-organizers of the ISWI School. "Azersun Holding" and Tusi-Bohm Planetarium were the local sponsors of the event.

Elchin Babayev - Executive Director of Science Development Foundation, Sharafat Gadimova - Program Officer of the United Nations Office on Outer Space Affairs in Vienna (UNOOSA), Nat Gopalswamy -  leading scientist at NASA's Goddard Cosmic Flight Center, President of the International Scientific Committee (ICS) on Solar-Earth Relations Physics (SCOSTEP) and the Executive Director of the International Space Weather Initiative, Patricia Doherty - Director of the US Boston College Scientific Research Institute spoke at the closing ceremony that has been held in “Pullman Baku” hotel.  After the general discussion and evaluation, the participants were given certificates and gifts; a concert of the dance ensemble of the Republican Children-Youth Development Center of the Ministry of Education has commenced afterwards, to demonstrate the beauty of Azerbaijani dances.

The International School contributed greatly to the preparation of local and foreign staff in the field of space and related sciences, the establishment of new scientific relations, international cooperation as well as the promotion of scientific potential and culture of Azerbaijan.