Ceremony of the donation of piece of the Yardimly meteorite the Museum of Natural History that was initiated by the Azerbaijani government was held in Austrian capital Vienna

June 01 2018

Organized jointly by the Azerbaijani Embassy in Austria and the Azerbaijani Cultural Center, the event was opened by the head of the museum's Mineralogy and Petrography department Dr. Franz Brandstetter. In his welcoming speech he mentioned that Vienna Museum of Natural History had the largest meteorite collection in the world, with more than 7,000 meteorites falling in miscellanious areas. Today’s collection, which is widely used for research purposes, was founded by the Austrian Emperor I Franz in 1748, and therefore Vienna Museum of Natural History is proud to have the world's oldest meteorite collection. Most donated meteorites are documented in detail and used for scientific purposes.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Azerbaijan to Austria Mr.Galib Israfilov underlined that Azerbaijani government's donation to the Museum was dedicated to the Centennial of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. It was noted that Yardimly meteorite is the second meteorite, which fell into the territory of Azerbaijan and included into Museum's collection. Pieces of the Hindarch Meteorite, which fell into Shusha in 1891, are exhibited in the main exhibition hall of this Museum.

Executive Director of the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Deputy Director on Scientific Affairs of the Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory named after N. Tusi of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Dr.Elchin Babayev noted that a proposal about the donation of the Yardimly meteorite to the Museum of Natural History was initiated by the Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Ms. Leyla Aliyeva. Azerbaijani government has taken this noble step taking into account the dynamic relations between two countries, especially among the relevant research institutions. E.Babayev added that meteorites are called “cosmic guests” in the world of science and the people of Azerbaijan, known for their hospitality, taking into consideration intensive relations between the countries, donated this valuable space rock piece fallen into their territory to the Museum. It was also noted that the piece of the meteorite was donated to the Museum not only for the preservation and demonstration, but also for use in scientific researches.

Dr. Ludovic Ferrier, Coordinator of the Meteorite Collection of the Vienna Museum of Natural History, member of the International Society of Meteorites, informed participants about Yardimly meteorite. It was noted that on November 24, 1959 the meteorite falling to the territory of Yardimly region of Azerbaijan was the first iron meteorite in the country.The total weight of this meteorite which fell after the famous Sihote-Alin meteorite shower is 152.5 kg and it consists of several individual samples.Unique for its composition and surface structure, this meteorite is of particular importance for exploring the Solar System. Meanwhile, low number of iron meteorites falling on Earth, makes the scientific value of Yardimly meteorite even greater. He noted that weighing 250 grams, a piece cut from the largest part of Yardimly meteorite (117 kg), will become one of the Museum's most valuable exhibits.

Afterwards, the piece of the meteorite was placed in the Museum's exhibition hall with the participation of officials and guests.

Source: Azərtac

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