Winners of the “Young Scientists and Financial Literacy” Competition were awarded

July 13 2017

On 13 July the results of "Young Scientists and Financial Literacy" joint award competition that was announced on the occasion of “February 2 - Youth Day” by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, the Science Development Foundation and Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation (SBFIC, Germany) were announced.

Executive Director of the Science Development Foundation Elchin Babayev informed about the aims of competition at the event. He noted that the purpose of the competition was to support the development of banking system in Azerbaijan, to increase economic and financial literacy in the country, to introduce financial literacy as a social value and to make appropriate changes in the behavior of people, at the same time, to evaluate, reward the original articles written during the competition by active young people specializing in the subject and to stimulate scientific activity. Rector of Azerbaijan State Economic University (UNEC) professor Adalat Muradov, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences professor Nazim Imanov, Director of the Research Department of Central Bank Mr. Asif Gasimov, country representative of SBFIC Mr. Eduard Schmitt and others mentioned the importance of this competition and collaboration between different organizations to support young scientists.

Then the winners of the competition were awarded.


Executive Directorate of the Science Development Foundation