First Azerbaijan - Russia joint grant competition results have been announced

June 07 2018

List of the winning projects

Project proposals were submitted starting from 28 March - June 29, 2017. They were submitted via the “e-QRANT”=“Electronic Grant Management System” 
The results were also discussed at the joint commission of SDF and Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research. 

The total amount of financing for AzRus1 was 2 630 000 AZN and 20 best projects have been announced as the winner projects. The success rate was 28.76% and it is in accordance with the international experience.

All the winning projects belong to fundamental-applied sciences. The number of the winning projects was 9 in Physics/Mathematics and Technical Sciences, 4 in Chemistry, 3 on Earth Sciences, 3 on Biology, Medicine and Agrarian Science and 1 in Humanities and Social Sciences. 

The projects are planned to be executed for the upcoming 24 months. The volume of project financing ranges from 60 – 185 000 AZN.

Winning projects will be financed after the second half of 2018. 

Results are announced at


Press service of the Science Development Foundation


List of the winning projects

link: Azərtac