XIV conference and seminar of the Asia-Pacific region on Quantum Information Science launched

December 05 2016

December 5, by organization of the Institute of Physics of ANAS and support of the Presidium of ANAS and Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan held the opening ceremony of XIV scientific conference and seminar of the Asia-Pacific region on Quantum Information Science (APCWQIS-2016).

The event, organized in the Main building of the Academy, was opened by Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev. Welcoming the participants on behalf of the Bureau, and congratulated them on the beginning of the conference, the academician stressed the importance of the event in terms of the discussion of the future prospects of the development of quantum information science. Academician-Secretary of ANAS praised the holding of the conference in our country and expressed confidence that the results obtained in the course of the event will benefit the domestic science. At the end of his speech Academician Rasim Alguliyev wished success to the participants of the conference and encouraged local and foreign students, who will listen to lectures, to get as much information about the quantum information and conduct future research in this area.

In his speech at the event, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee, corresponding member of ANAS Nazim Mammadov spoke about the history and development of quantum information science, "Ever since the American scientist Richard Feynman and other outstanding physics laid the foundation of quantum information science, has been more than 30 years. Having come a long way, quantum computing has become a separate scientific field, whose boundaries, covering a number of traditional areas of physics, computer and expanded to very high-tech."

Nazim Mammadov said that, as a basic element of information-communication technologies, quantum computers in the future will be to effectively meet the challenges of today who can not afford even the most powerful classical computers and quantum algorithms: "In the XXI century virtually all areas of human activity are inextricably linked to the information - communication technologies that collect, process and deliver the processed information to the end user for analysis and decision making. The faster this process will take place, the sooner a decision is made. This is especially important for the regional economy. Quantum algorithms, and in future quantum computers will allow doing just that.”

Corresponding member of ANAS informed that since the moment Azerbaijan felt the need for specialists in the field of quantum information, along with the working sessions of the foreign scientists and doctoral students will read an introductory course in quantum information science. Nazim Mammadov expressed his confidence that this initiative will help recruit talented young people to research in this important area of quantum information science.

Then the chairman of conference and seminar of the Asia-Pacific region in quantum information science, Professor Oh Choo Hiap reported at the event. The Chairman informed that the previous conferences have been held in countries such as Singapore, South Korea, Australia, China, Israel, Malaysia, Taiwan and New Zealand. Professor Oh Choo Hiap said that the current quantum computer is a well-developed area of research, which is the focus of atomic physics and optics, quantum optics, physics of temperature, solid state physics, computer science and engineering.

Then, at the conference CEO of the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, PhD in Physics-math Elchin Babayev made speech and noted that at present the Institute of Physics of ANAS is developing at the level of the world standards, and the Fund actively assists scientific institution in this matter: "Science Development Fund has always supported the Institute of Physics in the acquisition of modern devices and equipment, opportunity for the development of the institute innovative sector, serious scientific results in the short term, increased international cooperation and joint research projects with foreign scientists."

Elchin Babayev said that the fundings invested by the Fund in the Institute of Physics in the form of large-scale grants are investments in the future. He noted that the organization headed by him constantly assists for institute scientists to probate abroad, and publish the results of their research in reputable scientific journals.

Elchin Babayev emphasized that the Fund actively involved in implementing the policy, which head of state spends in the development of science in the country, and is trying to live up to his trust.

After the break, the first day of the event continued at the Institute of Information Technologies, where proshlasessiya chaired by Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev.

Note that the XIV scientific conference and seminar of the Asia-Pacific region on Quantum Information Science will continue until 9 December.