ANAS held an international conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of the 1st Turkological Congress

November 14 2016

November 14, at the Presidium of ANAS kicked off the International Conference on the theme ”Shared values and new challenges in Turkological scientific-cultural movement.”

First of all participants of the conference, organized by the ANAS, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Education, visited the grave of national leader Heydar Aliyev and Alley of Martyrs.

Opening the meeting President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh, who spoke about the historical significance of the First Turkological Congress. He noted that the idea of the First Congress Turkological thereafter played a crucial role in shaping the national-moral values, scientific-cultural integration, preservation and development of historical-cultural ties between the Turkic-speaking countries. Referring to the President Ilham Aliyev's order dated February 18, 2016 "On holding the 90th anniversary of the First Turkological Congress ", academician stressed that the above-mentioned document has allowed scientists to make an objective assessment of the lessons of the First Turkological Congress with social-scientific positions, to draw the appropriate conclusions.

Then, in his speech, Chairman of Azerbaijan Writers Union, People's writer Anar spoke about the significance of the First Turkological Congress in preservation of historical scientific and cultural relations of the Turkic world. National writer pointed out that the First Turkological Congress wore humanitarian character, it was discussed the important question of how the transition to the Latin alphabet.

Next, at a conference on the topic "The first Turkological Congress: its lessons and challenges" was made by the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli. Academician noted that first Turkological Congress, held in 1926 in Baku, is a public event, opening wide horizons for scientific and cultural unity of the Turkic peoples, the development of common national and moral values, the deepening of integration processes. Isa Habibbeyli stressed that at this congress were discussed topical issues Turkological scientific-cultural environment in the beginning of the XX century: "The reports that were presented at the meetings of the First Turkological Congress, reflected the actual problems of the humanities and social sciences, Turkic studies, have been put forward concrete offers. Participation in the Congress of the representatives of the Turkic-speaking peoples in the former Soviet Union, scientists Turkic studies from Europe, Turkey and Iran allows a clear idea of the breadth and scope of the congress. Carrying Turkological First Congress in Baku shows that Azerbaijan is one of the main centers of Turkic studies in the broadest sense of the word."

In his report academician also touched upon the issue sounded at the First Turkological Congress to pass on the Latin alphabet. He noted that the transition to the Latin alphabet was implemented at the beginning of the XX century in Azerbaijan and Turkey, but later in the Soviet Union, this process has been suspended. Having said that, the idea was revived again, academician noted that a special decree of the national leader Heydar Aliyev dated August 1, 2001, Azerbaijan completely switched to the Latin alphabet in the era of independence of Azerbaijan.

The lectures were also made by the Chairman of the Turkish Linguistic Society Kamal Kachalin, president of the International Turkic Academy Darkhan Kidiraly, Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi, corresponding member of ANAS Mohsen Naghisoylu  and others.

The conference continued its work in the Institute of Literature named after Nizami, and Central Library. Textbooks "Turkic history" and "Turkic literature", including the process of developing "Common Turkic grammar and terminology", etc. were discussed. 

The conference will conclude its work tomorrow.  

Note that on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the First Congress Turkological conferences were also held in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Hungary and Tatarstan.


 Video: (Elm TV)