05 July 2019

Sosial media verilənlərində kiberhücumların aşkarlanması üçün Deep Learning üsulu işlənilib

13:30 AMEA İnformasiya Texnologiyaları İnstitutunun əməkdaşlarının “Sosial media verilənlərində kiberhücumların aşkarlanması üçün Deep Learning üsulu” (“Deep Learning Method for Prediction of DDoS Attacks on Social Media”, DOI: 10.1142/S2424922X19500025) adlı məqaləsi “World Scientific” nəşriyyatında dərc olunan “Advances in Data Science and Adaptive ...

26 February 2019

Illegal Activities in the Territories of Azerbaijan under Armenia’s Occupation: Evidence from Satellite Imagery.

16:12 Illegal Activities in the Territories of Azerbaijan under Armenia’s Occupation: Evidence from Satellite Imagery.

15 February 2019

“Contemporary Azerbaijan in East-West Context and Multiculturalism” book published

21:55   On February 15, the Central Scientific Library of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) hosted an event dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the "Science Lantern" Public Union.   A presentation of the book entitled "Contemporary Azerbaijan in East-West Context and Multiculturalism" was published in Russian with the support of the Science Development Foundation (EIF) under ...

14 February 2019

Winners of the VIII Republican “Scientists of Tomorrow” competition has been awarded

18:01 The awarding ceremony of the winners of the VIII Republican Competition “Scientists of Tomorrow” was held at Nizami Cinema Center on 14th February. At the Ceremony, Deputy Minister of Education Mahabbat Valiyeva spoke about the importance of the “Scientists of Tomorrow” competition. It was noted that the interest that is growing year by year towards “Scientists of Tomorrow” ...

13 February 2019

The “Scientists of Tomorrow“ is an innovative idea competition

10:20 On February 12, an opening ceremony was held for the VIII “Scientist of Tomorrow” competition Deputy Minister of Education Mahabbat Valiyeva spoke about the reforms carried out in the field of education. She noted that traditionally held in our country, the "Scientists of Tomorrow" competition focuses on the problems and solutions to the environment that we live in. Farhad Hajiyev ...

04 February 2019

Ilham Aliyev: in order to defend independence, knowledge, literacy, patriotism and national thinking are required!

12:05 Young scientists strengthen our scientific potential in various fields. A few years ago, the Science Development Fund and the Youth Fund were established on my initiative. These funds provide grants to talented young people and allocate funds for the implementation of various research programs. In other words, our youth plays a very active role in society today and you will govern our ...
