14 July 2021

Gənc Alim və Tədqiqatçıların 6-ci qrant müsabiqəsi üzrə 2021-ci ildə aşağıda göstərilən tarix və saatlarda məsləhət vebinarları keçiriləcəkdir.

Hörmətli qrant iddiaçıları! Gənc Alim və Tədqiqatçıların 6-ci qrant müsabiqəsi üzrə 2021-ci ildə aşağıda göstərilən tarix və saatlarda məsləhət vebinarları keçiriləcəkdir. Vebinarların keçirilməsində məqsəd qrant iddiaçılarına müsabiqəyə təqdim olunacaq layihələrin tərtibatı, həmçinin e-QRANT sistemindən və ASAN-imzadan istifadə üzrə ...

10 January 2019

Science Development Foundation has organized its first consultative seminar within “9th Mobility grant” competition on 10th January 2019

12:00 The Science Development Foundation has held its first consultative seminar on "9th Mobility grant" grant competition on 10th January 2019 at 11:00. The seminar was held at the office of the Executive Directorate of the Foundation. The main objective of the seminar is to assist the citizens with questions about the preparation of the project proposals, the difficulties in correctly completing ...

10 January 2019

Science Development Foundation has organized next consultative seminar for 2019 on “Turkic World Researches” Grant Competitio

17:28 The Science Development Foundation has held next its consultative seminar on “Turkic World Researches” grant competition on January 10, 2019 at 15:00. The seminar was held at the office of the Executive Directorate of the Foundation. The main objective of the seminar is to assist the citizens with questions about the preparation of the projects, the difficulties in correctly completing ...

07 January 2019

SDF will organize a series of consultative seminars in 2019 on 9th “Mobility Grant” Grant Competition

12:03 Dear grant applicants! Consultative seminars on 9th “Mobility Grant” Grant Competition will be held in 2019 at the dates and times shown below. The aim of the workshops is to prepare grantees for the projects to be submitted to the competition, as well as to provide advice on using the e-QRANT system and ASAN signature, and to answer emerging questions.   Schedule of ...

27 December 2018

Science Development Foundation has organized next consultative Seminar for 2018 on “Turkic World Researches” Grant Competition

12:00 The Science Development Foundation has held next its consultative seminar on “Turkic World Researches” grant competition on December 27, 2018 at 11:00. The seminar was held at the office of the Executive Directorate of the Foundation. The main objective of the seminar is to assist the citizens with questions about the preparation of the projects, the difficulties in correctly completing ...

20 December 2018

Science Development Foundation has organized next consultative Seminar for 2018 on “Turkic World Researches” Grant Competition

17:15 The Science Development Foundation has held next its consultative seminar on “Turkic World Researches” grant competition on December 20, 2018 at 15:00. The seminar was held at the office of the Executive Directorate of the Foundation. The main objective of the seminar is to assist the citizens with questions about the preparation of the projects, the difficulties in correctly completing ...
